Q: What do all the letters in LGBTQ stand for? How come sometimes there’s also an “IA” at the end?
A: The acronym LGBTQ (and its variations), refers to the diverse community of people whose gender and/or sexual identity is outside what some might consider the “mainstream.” People in the LGBTQ community have historically faced social and legal discrimination, and many still face harassment today for who they are. The specific letters stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer. The Q can also stand for those who are questioning their gender or sexual identity. While there are other identities that aren’t explicitly listed in the acronym (such as people who are non-binary, which means their gender isn’t man or woman, but somewhere in the middle), LGBTQ is used as an umbrella term meant to include all those identities.
Sometimes, the letters IA are also added at the end so the acronym reads LGBTQIA. These additional letters stand for Intersex and Asexual. It’s important to note that being intersex and being transgender is not the same thing. Someone who is intersex is born with a mixture of male and female biology, while someone who is transgender has a gender identity that does not match their biological sex.
The LGBTQ community, and the terms that we use to describe our experiences, are continually changing and shifting over time. This evolving language allows people to more accurately describe and understand their experiences and identity, but it can be confusing. If you have questions about the community, contact us!