Advice and Tips Column
Contacting the Center
My school is supposed to reopen for in-person learning soon. Is the Cortland LGBTQ Center going to reopen, too? Will you still come to our schools to visit our LGBTQ groups? If not, how can we talk to you if we have questions?
A History of Protest
I’ve been following the Black Lives Matter protests, and I noticed that a lot of LGBTQ people, and LGBTQ organizations, have gotten involved. Is there a reason for that?
Anti-Trans Celebrities
My daughter told me that one of her favorite authors posted an anti-transgender article online. My daughter is part of the LGBTQ community, and she seems really affected by what the author said. I’m trying to help my kid feel better, but since I’m not part of the LGBTQ community myself, she says I don’t get how much it hurts. How can I better support her?
I’m having a really hard time dealing with self-isolation. I was out about being gay at college, but now that I’m home, I feel like I have to go back in the closet. My family is always making jokes about gay and transgender people, and I don’t want to risk coming out to them when I’m stuck living here. How can I cope?
I’m stuck at home now because of COVID-19, and I’m really stressed about not being in school and not being able to visit my friends. I’m gay (and my parents aren’t supportive), and I’m not sure how to stay connected when we’re all supposed to stay apart. How do I get through this?
Gender vs Sexuality
I’m having a hard time remembering the difference between a transgender guy and a transgender girl. Do you have any tricks for remembering what each term means? Also, who do transgender people date? Are they all gay? I’m not sure how that works.
The Kids Will Understand
My brother’s child recently came out as transgender. She now asks that we use she/her pronouns and that I refer to her as my niece. I’m okay with all this, but I’m not sure how to explain it to my kids, who are in elementary school. They’ve known Sally (name changed for privacy) as a boy their whole lives. How do I help my young kids understand this change?
Is It a Phase?
My daughter is fifteen and recently told me that she's bisexual and has a crush on a girl at school. I want to be supportive, but my gut is telling me this is just a phase. A lot of her friends came out this year, and I think she's trying to fit in. I'm not sure how to even talk to her about this. What should I do?
Coming Out
I’m out to my parents and siblings (who are supportive), but we’re going to have extended family visiting for the holidays who don’t know that I’m gay. Based on some things they’ve said in the past, I’m nervous to tell them. What should I do?
Trouble at School
We put up posters for our GSA (gay straight alliance/gender sexuality alliance) at school, but people keep ripping them down. It feels targeted, like people don’t think we belong at the school. What should we do?